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Friday, September 4, 2020

The Joker Game Anime Review



The D-Agency, a mysterious secret agency in Japan was formed in the wake of World War II to gather valuable intelligence about the Axis powers. With an anime based around Japan during WWII around, it was only a matter of time before Joker Game would dish out an episode about the Axis powers too. To say that the story was one of the highlights of the series is an understatement.

In the first episode, Joker reveals that he knows the whereabouts of a Japanese princess called Sohryuden who has gone missing. The D-Company is dispatched to locate her and use her skills to help win the war. Their first stop is the island of Aku-Jaya, where they meet up with her and discover the location of her hideout.

While searching through the princess's hideout, the D-Company runs into an interesting character named Tatsuhiro. He informs them of Sohryuden's identity and how she had met with an untimely demise. This is the beginning of a series of unexpected events involving the D-Company and Tatsuhiro's past. Along the way, they learn more about the Axis forces and their plans to attack America.

Once Tatsuhiro reveals more information, the episode ends and we move onto the next. The second episode begins with the D-Company tracking down the secret base of the Axis forces and using the information they obtain to infiltrate it.

As the story progresses, we find that Tatsuhiro is working as a double agent for the D-Company. He is gathering information on behalf of the Japanese government while doing his part by assassinating members of the enemy forces in order to give the Japanese side an advantage. When the secret base is found, Joker discovers this and uses Tatsuhiro's treachery as leverage against him.

Overall, Joker Game is the perfect anime to tide you over until the release of the upcoming movie, The Dark Knight. It is fast-paced, interesting, and has an original premise that fans of the Batman comics will appreciate.

Joker Game was directed by Takeshi Kitano, who is best known for directing Neon Genesis Evangelion. He has directed other notable movies such as The Secret Country, Ginga: Gemini of the Meteor, and most recently the animated movie adaptation of the book. Joker Game is a must watch for any Batman fan.

The storyline is an interesting one, and it makes for great viewing even if you are not familiar with the comic books. The story begins when we learn that Joker is a former Japanese soldier who joined the Axis forces during World War II. Now that he is an enemy of the Allied forces, he leads an army to invade the United States.

As you would expect, he is no pushover when it comes to battle. His soldiers are brutal, dangerous, and very skilled. This is a series that every Batman fan should check out. If you like anime, martial arts movies, and action, then you will definitely want to watch this show.


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